Tuesday, June 12, 2007

13 Days
I promised to make another post prior to surgery. Thirteen days and counting, morale still high. Not much news to report, did my drive-by orientation at St. Mary's. Another cute nurse story - the screening RN told me we're neighbors in Louisville. She lives on Buck drive off Topside. I told her that used to be THE PLACE at Christmas in Louisville, almost every house for 3 blocks heavily decorated with lights and yard stuff for the season. She said it was her first house they bought and asked the realtor, "Is it common for houses to have so many outdoor outlets?" Guess they wondered what the heck the previous owner was doing electrically (in so many places) outside. Group topiary? Precision drill teams for weedeaters? Sad to say that this kilowatt-blowing pasttime has passed its time and few people put up lights anymore. Oh well, we still have the helicopter on Topside. Again, thanks for the prayers, support and positive thinking. Lane