Summary: no bladder cancer, just "atypical cells" and surgery scheduled June 25. Had my followup visit with Dr. Hatcher. The nurse calls me and Judy in after a half hour wait, gives me the specimen cup. I tell her they're obsessed with urine around there. We get parked in a temporary then move to another room. Dr. Hatcher is buzzing around. We wait an hour, can you guess what my imagination is saying? He finally walks in and says good news, no bladder cancer, just atypical cells, they (pathology report) really aren't sure what it is. Could have had it for years, we'll just watch it. I tell him that's pretty dadgum vague. I guess his office will be my 3rd home and he compares it to an abnormal Pap smear. He says only a third of bladder cancers are associated with cigarette smoking. I quit 30 years ago for nothing. Judy says it's all due to drinking Sweet 'N Low but he says there's no evidence associating bladder cancer with saccharine. She says "yeah, right" and rolls up her sleeves. When Judy is peeved she rolls up her sleeves like she's gonna bust your head open on the schoolyard. Talk about telegraphing your punches!
Anyway he says they're booking surgery with the robot in June, research shows no difference in outcomes when spread with a 2 month window so a week here or there won't make a difference so I schedule after a planned family vacation to Texas to see relatives. He says there's no difference between Ft. Sanders and St. Mary's. I vote Ft. Sanders but the nurse says they do them on Mondays at St. Mary's and Thursdays at Ft. Sanders. She tells me the machine is newer at St. Mary's so I opt there since it's 4 days earlier and newer. I'm told it's a 23 hour admission so I go in Monday morning at 5:30 and I guess that means they kick me out at 4:30am Tuesday. Guess we'll have to call the police for an escort for Judy to go out to her car (rough neighborhood there) or get a few big guys to come and sit with us. Just some more preop, make an appointment with the anesthesiologist and take 1-2 weeks off. I'm betting on back to work July 5th.
Thanks to all those who're reading this, sent me emails and called and wished me well. I haven't shed one tear up until this second and now I'm moist in the lacrimal glands because I have never felt so loved in my life and I thank you. Lane