Summary: Bladder biopsy done this morning, some good news. I went at 6am today to UT Hospital for a biopsy under general. As usual the staff is nice but interesting. The young woman (she looked 17) in admissions pushed the automatic door open to walk me to the cashier to pay may deductible (it's a business). Told her she looked strong enough to open the door. She said she didn't like to touch door handles. Must be fun to have OCD and work in a hospital. Perhaps she could be a telephone operator and avoid unclean appliances. Nurses were great. My male nurse was being shadowed by a nursing student and before wheeling me back to surgery turned to Judy and asked, "Don't you want to give him some sugar?" Thank God I'm in Dixie. We all laughed when he said he probably shouldn't use that line because he pulled it one time and the lady sitting by the gurney said she was the preacher's wife, not the patient's wife. I'd have still wanted some sugar but hey, that's just me.
I did get one or two pieces of good news. My chest x-ray was normal (no metastatic lesions apparent), EKG normal and my CBC, electrolytes and kidney functions normal. I noted they didn't do an alk phos to see if had bone mets and needed a bone scan as promised. I'll just do it myself on Monday. Helps to be a doctor.
Anyway Dr. Hatcher came out afterwards and told Judy he hadn't seen anything like my bladder in years, thought it might be something called plasmacytosis which is simply treated with antihistamines. Had some discomfort, suggested they give me a urinary analgesic pyridium and they thought that was a good idea. Gotta advocate for yourself.
I'm not sure how many punch biopsies they did in the bladder but between the prostate and the bladder if I had a ticket like Smoothie King or Pilot Coffee Club I could get a free supersize drink by now. I don't know what would be appropriate. Maybe $25 off my next test or surgery or an upgrade to steak instead of chicken.
My follow up appointment is Thursday, May 24th, will know more then and will keep this updated. Thanks for all the comments and emails and prayers. Thanks to my good buddy Diana Nelson, a fantastic public speaker, for loaning me the 4 CD set of Prarie Home Companion annual Joke Shows. I loved the one about the drag queen who went to the Catholic church. He told the priest, "Honey I love your gown and hat but did you know your purse is on fire?"